Fictional Universe - New Galaxy I.

Aktuális ár:
Nem érkezett még licit
Kikiáltási ár:
1.150.000 Ft
Minimum ár:
750.000 Ft
1.400.000 Ft
Akció kezdete:
2021.05.05. 12:00:00
Akció vége:
2021.07.30. 12:00:00
(ha az utolsó 5 percben érvényes aukció érkezik, az aukció vége 5 perccel meghosszabbodik)
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Aukciós tárgy adatai

Dalma's goal is to give concrete an artistic expression as well as to build a bridge between the artificial man-made “stoneworld” and untouched nature, accepted and valued by artists, collectors, exhibitors and artlovers. She wants to convey the important message that it is not worth impeding development, but it is essential to create a balance between natural and man-made processes to prevent them from getting in each other’s way. Through her paintings, Dalma wants to show this kind of balance and harmony, depicting potential disharmony as well. Her work is led by the natural intention of combining the centuries-old tradition of painting with contemporary ideas of the 21st century.
Gyártás éve:2020
Alkotó:Dalma Goncz
Méret:145 x 145 cm
Stílus, tulajdonság:absztrakt expresszionista
Technika, anyag:mix media, olaj, beton, epoxy

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